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8:20 a.m. - 2004-05-05
�I�ve brought my own IV Plug Adapter because I am proactively avoiding the financial and moral rape that your institution regularly practices�.
I�m not sure I should even post today. I couldn�t be more foul. Due to a raging case of PMS I am confident that:

1. My husband secretly plans ways to frustrate me.

2. People at work are too stupid to even exist.

3. My friend that is getting married is turning into Bridezilla and will try to eat me whole if I don�t succumb to her ways.

4. The guy at the gas station purposely ignored me in order to make me feel worse than I already was.

5. That while I appreciate having a job, I am facing an entire lifetime of reading sentences like the following, �I need a hard copy of the breakdown of expense by natural classification as well as function as soon as possible�. Piss off.

Oh, there are more. So many more. I think you get the gist.

These are just the external worries that I have. These are not counting the fact that I worry that I worry too much with makes me worry that I have an ulcer. I know, I know, it sounds like medication may be in order.

AND, just to cheer me up, I get the hospital bill from when I went to the ER. It was (drum roll) 1976.54. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I called and left a message that said, �This is Avasays. I�m not paying that bill�. I�m sure they think I�m crazy, but I AM NOT PAYING THAT BILL. Note to yourselves friends, bring your own �IV Plug Adapter� next time you go to the hospital. The mark up on it is about 4000%. Swing by Ace Hardware, pick it up for the 1.00 it probably costs, and present it to the nurse once admitted. You might even say something like this, �I�ve brought my own IV Plug Adapter because I am proactively avoiding the financial and moral rape that your institution regularly practices�. I can�t guarantee the treatment you will receive after saying that, but at least you have laid down some guidelines.

This is why I said I shouldn�t post. Sorry about the nasty email. I am off to the land of W.E.N.U.S�s and heating pads.



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